St. Mary's is a truly vibrant parish. We have a great number of ongoing Spiritual, Sacramental and Social Activities. There is a Youth Group. We have Bible Study, PREP, and both an Adult and a Children's Choir (Seasonal). We have Eucharistic Adoration. We have Pre-Jordan for those planning a Baptism and Pre-Cana for those planning to marry. We have a a Rosary Group. For those who wish to join the Roman Catholic Church and to receive the Sacraments of Initiation we have RCIA. In fact, we have a social gathering just about every month. St. Mary's does have something for everyone of every age - all though the year!
Rosary Group – Meets monthly praying the Rosary and offers prayer, fellowship and support to members.
Emmaus Bereavement Ministry – A support group offered to persons who have lost a loved one by death. Contact: Joan F. Lyon – 610-933-4751
H.O.P.E. (Helping Other People Enthusiastically) - Volunteers that will drive those in need to appointments or essential errands. Contact: Rectory – 610-933-2526
Pastoral Council – Advises the pastor on issues relevant to the parish community.
Financial Council – Advises the pastor on financial matters of the parish.
Kitchen Coordinator- Joe Rakowski - 610-220-6020
Computer Technology- Joseph Duke - 610-935-1713